Never Give Up!

Do you know that, when you put forth the effort, you’ll begin to see results? When you begin to exercise and eat better you begin to feel and look better, when you study for a test your test scores will look better. When you desire to succeed you do things and you go places in which you can see results. All you need is consistency. All you need is the ability to say, “I desire so much better for myself!” The moment you decide to make a change, results will come.

Recently, I haven’t been blogging because, I have been so focused on work and my new promotion I was having a hard time focusing on anything other than family time and me time. I didn’t have the energy to write, I didn’t even want to find the energy because, I’d rather make excuses instead of make the time. I stayed out later, I went out after, I hung out with my girls, the beach, the gym, etc. Everything but write.

I never really realized how my words were affecting people until a young woman named Terae told me, “I need you to start writing again!” Hearing her say that to me blew my mind away ! I know that not everyone reads my work but, knowing that just one person needs me to write for them, than it’s my duty to do so. I started my inspirational blogging because, I wanted to do just that; reach someone, anyone so they wouldn’t feel that they were alone.


August 17th will make 2 years that I have been blogging and in that 2 years only one person has demanded more of my writing. More of my inspiration, more of what I can share. Now, if you’ve read some of my previous work you know how much I love the Tortoise from the children’s story; The Tortoise and the Hare. The reason why I love the tortoise because he never gave up! He kept going he took his time and he succeeded! Not only did he make it across the finish line but he won!

My writing has been read by thousands of people since August 17th, 2016 and only ONE of my readers have inspired me to keep writing, keep going, to keep moving forward. She reminded me that no matter what’s going on in my life or how busy I become I can never nor will ever become too busy for you, my readers. Because I believe in you! For everyone who has ever felt like they needed me and I wasn’t available through my words, I’m sorry. Life will never get too busy for me to be there for my readers. To uplift and to encourage and to remind you that you are never alone because, you are never alone.

This is dedicated to Terae , who never stopped reminding me it was Wednesday. I’ll always appreciate you for never letting me give up.

6 thoughts on “Never Give Up!

  1. Every since you were young or I should say a little girl always have lots of wisdom in your words. Even when you did be at our functions you always encourage and express deep feelings. I have always admired your words I have read I believe all of your blogs I have also tried to share and I’m having difficulty with this password thing so I’m working on that but I encourage you to please keep writing I’ve been writing for years myself and I have to encourage myself to keep writing I just never created a Blog but I encourage you to keep going even if you take a couple days off please keep on giving to us, Ready writer all the time in Jesus name.
    That means ti me there is always a reservoir of words and stories in you to create from.
    Auntie Barbara


      1. Wow. Yes. It went through.
        It kept telling me it didn’t
        Your last story is right where i am.
        I’m going to have to reread it


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