

I read a meme one day that said, “Pick someone and pray for their happiness for 30 days without telling them.” I thought that was one of the best things I had ever read. So, I did just that. Out of all the people in the world, I picked my friend of 21 years, the GOD-mother of my child, the person whom I referred to as “my walking diary.” I knew that if anyone on this earth deserved to be happy it was her. Every night before bed when I’d get on my knees, I’d first make sure that my heart and my feelings were on the same accord. I wanted no distractions, I wanted GOD to know that I meant it, I wanted him to not only hear my prayers but feel that I desired her happiness. At, the end of the 30 days, she and I no longer had a friendship anymore.

For the last 3 months I had waited for the rekindle. I had waited for the returned phone call, I waited for the return of a text message and I got nothing. Eventually, around mothers day I decided to reach out, (our daughters birthdays are 2 weeks apart and for 11 years we have always celebrated together) in all honesty I missed her. I missed the phone calls, I missed hearing her daughter call me Aunty, I missed having my diary, more importantly I missed her. After a few attempts of sending pictures and putting the effort in, and her response had not reciprocated the same energy. I knew that my efforts were in vain. She did not feel the same way. In fact, she was happier without me.

Our friendship to me was more like sisters, instead of friends. I assumed that we’d get over whatever it was. I assumed that she needed to hear from me, from my girls, the same way I needed to hear from her. But, she didn’t. I assumed we’d talk it over, work it out and pick up where we left off; you know what they say about assumptions. In fact, it appeared as if me reaching out was the worst thing I could have done, as if I interrupted her happiness.

People talk a lot about broken hearts from lovers or family members but, no one ever talks about friends. At 4 am while I lay in bed, secretly soaking the pillow with my tears, this hurt feels the same; it reminds me of a broken-heart, another broken relationship, more brokenness. Yet, I still love her. I’m still wishing that she calls, still wishing to hear her say, “India, can we pray?” I miss her in so many ways but, I know this is our end, I know this is our good-bye.

If I could leave you with something, my readers its this. It doesn’t matter how long a person has been in your life, what they’ve done to you and for you and what you’ve done in return. When its over you take a bow and from the deepest sincerest parts of your heart wish them well. Remember, when the -ship begins to sink, you don’t have to go down with it, bring your life vest you’ll sail again one day. What you lose is not a lost, its just GODs way of preparing you for something that fits perfectly for you.

…right when I was comfortable

Last night, as I was attempting to fall asleep; I heard a noise. At first I didn’t think much of it until I heard it again. I knew that whatever it was, it was being created by the blowing of the fan. I knew that if I tried to ignore, it would be harder to sleep. I also knew that if I got up, it would still be harder for me to sleep. Meanwhile as I lay in bed looking into the darkness, a thought came into my mind. When a distraction comes into your life; at the most comfortable point in your life. Do you a. Remove it to the best of your ability. B. Ignore it. C. Let it play out and see what will happen?

Anytime anything takes you off your focused course, it’s a distraction. Anything that interrupts your flow, is a distraction. However, anything that is meant to awaken you, at the most “comfortable” point of your life is an opportunity. You love being comfortable, it makes your life easier, it brings stability keeps you safe or whatever, right? Hear me on this though, being comfortable never reveals the best in yourself. There’s no challenge in mediocre. Ugh! What an icky word, mediocre (it just sounds boring). To each their own, right? But, skies the limit kinda attitude should freak you out. How dare you allow yourself to reach for the sky when there are galaxies to explore.

A distraction? No, haven’t you realized that the greatest things happen when you least expect it? The love of your life you weren’t looking for, the job you weren’t planning on taking, the baby you never planned on having, the turn you didn’t mean to take (which led you to discover so many new sites you didn’t know were there). A good distraction is meant to knock you off your comfortability course and align you to greater self.

Were you taught that distractions are always bad? Which is why you don’t know how to prepare for the unexpected. You don’t plan for the downfalls that can occur in your life because, while you were living comfortable you forgot that you were living. This is just a friendly reminder that, life happens to ALL of us. So, when the unexpected happens you call them distractions and then you give Satan/devil too much credit for your misfortunes because you lost out on being comfortable.

In conclusion, it’s vitally important for us to remember that as long as we’re busy planning, distractions will come. Either to challenge us, change us, or teach us. We have to remember that at any given time our comforts will end and we have to be prepared for them. Now, I know you’re probably wondering what choice I made that night as I was laying comfortably in bed. Well, lets just say that I slept very well.


If there is one thing I am most certainly great at is, giving up! That’s right, you read right. I do a great job at letting go! Honestly, the moment my heart tells me it’s not up for it and my happiness no longer dwells in it, it’s time to go. Now, I’m not sure if that makes me a quitter but, I am certain of this. That I, Ndia have been given one life to live on this Earth and I refuse to stay in any situation that makes me feel as if I am drowning in sorrow.

From jobs, to relationships and even at times hobby. If it doesn’t bring me joy, I begin to look for something greater, something with a challenge, something that adds another chapter to my life. Now, the majority of the conversations that I have with people usually revolve around the worst part of their lives. “I hate my job. My relationship is bad. No one loves me. I can’t. I won’t.” Etc. Normally, I give my opinion and we smile like everything is great and that’s the end of that.

However, I become tremendously fascinated when they’re unhappiness is being tied to the belief that they are then “stuck” in the situation. Stuck?! I always tilt my head like a confused puppy learning a command for the first time. Stuck?! What a disgusting word to use when what you really mean to say is, “I’m so unhappy because I am so comfortable living uncomfortable.” That’s right, I wrote it!

Anyone who believes their misfortunes or their unhappiness comes from being “stuck” is just making an excuse for not having the courage to make a change. I am a firm believer of being happy. With all the heavy news we hear on a daily basis; that burdens all of our senses and daily living. It’s easy to lay our heads down and give up on even attempting to feel, taste, or touch happiness (just writing the word happy, touches the greatest parts of my soul).

I listen to the Gladys Knight rendition of the song “I hope you dance” (Originally sung by Lee Ann Womack). The song is about a mother/parent hoping her child will still dance, will still dream and still live even after they grow up. As a mother myself, I remind my girls, “You better sing. You better dance. You better dream big.” Because never do I ever want to hope that they’ll chose happy, they just know they better chose it!

Now, please don’t misconstrue this message. Please don’t start pointing fingers and say, “Ndia told me…” No! What I’m asking that you do is find your rescue because, it will ultimately save your life. Sometimes, when we’re stuck we’re just lost and when your lost its the perfect time to find out what else is out there. We have to be brave enough to find the people we were before we “hoped” and just leap! If you give up on anything today, give up being miserable it doesn’t have to your forever, allow it to be your transition. You got this, I believe in my readers.

Sometimes a loss isn’t a loss

So, I have been contemplating so many different things lately and I feel that I should share them with you, my readers. I noticed lately that as I seemed to grow in my life I was losing more and more people that I loved. Now, this isn’t to say I’m perfect because, I am not. I know that at times emotions play a huge part to issues but, I don’t like grudges. If I love someone I love to fix problems immediately just to restore what I feel to be a natural balance to our relationship.

However, this has not been the case. Recently, I read that I should pray for someone that I love and to be specific I should pray for their happiness and not tell them. So, I did just that. I picked one person (sometimes a few) and I prayed just for their happiness. To me it just wasn’t any prayer this was an important one. I had to make sure that my heart and soul were aligned, that I was at peace when I prayed for them, that my prayers were always said in perfect peace. I wanted GOD to truly understand just how much their happiness meant to me. My goal was to get GOD to just see them and their worries and restore and mend their smile and their hearts and all that mushy stuff.

It turns out that the more I prayed for this person’s happiness; I, in return was being presented with tough challenges and yet I still prayed for them. In fact I desired their happiness more than my very own and I still kept going. I never even shared with them any of my hardships nor did I ever disclose that I was praying for them. Towards the end of the 30 days I stopped hearing from them as much and from this day I haven’t heard from them at all.

I’m not an emotionless soul so losing this person has hurt me alot. At the same time I realized that I have been holding on to what doesn’t belong in my life anymore. I felt that GOD was preparing me for the loss of my friendship and by doing that, he made sure I secured them by praying for them, and blessing me with peace for being strong enough to let go. Maybe I had to let go because in return I have been given a deeper understanding of happiness and GOD has replaced me with more than what I had lost. For years I held onto relationships because the amount of years I’ve known a person was greater than the amount of time, love and reliability they had given me. To be honest it wasn’t a healthy friendship and holding onto it hurt more than letting go.

In conclusion readers, I must say that at times what we feel we need, we really don’t. Losing someone you love isn’t always a loss (and I don’t mean by death) sometimes we need to lose people in order to regain what we have been missing; our peace, our hobbies, our lives etc. We have to know that usually when we are holding tighter than we should; that’s the moment we need to release and in that release may we find ourselves.

Journal Entry

Dear Journal, February 14, 2018

Today is February 14th and let me tell you with all the crazy going on in the world it’s important we have a day like today. Not for the flowers, the chocolates and the gifts. But, it’s important that we show LOVE today.

I know recently I have been expressing my ideas on love lately. Mainly because, I feel we need it more than ever. There is so much hurting and hate and I can’t seem to express the importance of showing real love during this period of time when people are showing and giving so much of the opposite.

I do my best at reminding my sweet little girls how much they are loved because, I am afraid if I don’t remind them the hateful people of this world will try to teach them to hate themselves.

“Hate your skin! Hate your clothes! Hate your hair! Hate your smile! Hate your strong personality! Hate yourself for being you!”

Even writing that out was exhausting. It seems as if even writing the word HATE makes me emotional. Not sad or angry but, honestly, Journal it really just left me tired.

So, being that the history of the 14th may not be filled with our version of love. However, my goal is to spread as much of it as possible. Like the way jam should be spread on toast; rich and sweet. My goal today is to smile more, say hello more, give a compliment or two. Truth be told that should be the reason we celebrate today. To spread as much love as we can. To remind this world that there is more love in this world than there is hate and fear.

Journal, if I could spread this message around the world I would. Just to remind them how easy it is to change someone’s whole day with a smile.

Til pen meets paper, -Ndia

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Recently, I have had the unfortunate opportunity to experience some relationships that have completely run there course. Many of the recent failed relationships have stemmed from friendships, to family; I am learning that sharing the same blood can mean absolutely nothing and that some friendships are based off of what you bring to the table or what you can do for them.

When you think of love do you usually think of courtship, marriage etc. If so, why is it that you don’t apply the same rules of love to those outside of that “dating” circle? Your children, your siblings, your friends. Why don’t you fight to give those people the best versions of yourself?

Is it because you believe those people should just “love” you already for who you are and that’s that? When in fact, “Love is spelled S-A-C-R-I-F-I-C-E.” Any relationship that you are in always demands you to change because, real love calls for change. I have noticed that most people lack the ability to be better or change for friends or family.

Sometimes, you have to step outside your comfort zone to be more supportive of the same people you claim aren’t supportive of you or who doesn’t love you. In order to have a change in relationships you often have to be the change. Be the example of the kind of friend you want, be the example of the kind of relationship you want with your parents, siblings, relatives etc. Being the example shows that you love them enough to be the best you can be for them and in return they should be willing to do the same for you.

“But, NDIA, what if they refuse to change?”

In all honesty anyone who refuses to make an effort to change for anyone they love; it simply means they don’t love them enough or at all. Love should always bring out the best in person. Love should always be enough to say, “You are the reason I need to be or chose to be greater than the person I was before I met you/had you.”

When you look at life the happiest people are not the ones with the most money, the most friends, the biggest homes, nor the fanciest cars. The happiest person is someone who is loved without stipulations, who is loved perfectly even in the midst of hardships. That’s the type of love you should give and the ONLY type of love you should receive from anyone who believes they love you.

So, forgive yourself, for teaching people how to love you wrong. Forgive yourself, for believing that you didn’t deserve the greatest version of someone that said they love you. Forgive yourself, for allowing simple “I’m sorry’s” to make-up for the horrible things they have done and said. Forgive yourself, for not knowing what you know now but, never allow anyone to make you weak for their simple-minded version of love.

Because real love, true love is perfect in all it’s glory and when it hurts intentionally it isn’t love anymore.

I’m Great!

Whenever, I ask my four year old how school was or how her day was spent without me; her answer is always the same. She replies and says, “Great.” However, even if it wasn’t she never seems to focus on the not so good parts. She stands firm and she believes that as long as her days go without injury her days are always, “Great!”

Recently, I have decided to implement that same 4 year old mentality into my everyday. It never occurred to me how strong that change would be and not just how it would affect my life but, how others even viewed the change.

Now think about this with me, when anyone simply asks you, “How are you?” Normally, you give a casual response and you may say, “I’m doing good or I’m alright.” One or two things may occur; either they simply close the conversation because that was enough to satisfy their ego or they pry to find out why life is mediocre or just to make sure your life isn’t better than theirs.

I have had the pleasure in changing my response and not just what I say but, how I say it. When I change my response from “I’m doing good.” To now, “I’m great!” And then I smile. That seems to change the tone of the conversation and I noticed it changes the way they look at me. They battle their minds for follow-up questions to dig into why my life is great and theirs is just, “Good. Alright. Ok.” As long as my response never changes I find that you start to believe that, life is great!

In my self-discovery of greatness. I noticed that in the beginning it was really hard to change my good to great! It seems as if the basic response was embedded into my head. Why was I never taught to put a more positive foot forward? When I say I’m great, I find that I don’t want to search for anything that may not be so great in my life. Why should I give someone else the satisfaction that I am just simple? When in fact I am extraordinary and extraordinary calls for greatness!

I found in life that the beginning of leading a greater life is just by owning it even before it happens. Once you set your heart on greater than or being greater than it soon begins to manifest in your life. Especially, when life isn’t easy around you if you keep hold of that greater-than thought process. Bad times don’t really seem too bad anymore. In fact you begin to find all the reasons why life could be so much harder for you.

So stay tuned to your greater; accept the great news, date that great person, take that great position, say those great things about yourself and your children and your friends. It’s time to demand a different you, so how about you try a great version.

My Copper Experience

I met T. Michael at The Peoples Academy Inc., on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. I was excited because, I really didn’t know what I was going to see, how I was going to feel but, I was determined to not let the weather get the best of my mood. Bentley (the director and creative mind behind the documentary ) and I had just ended our phone call; he reassured me T. Michael was there and waiting for me and he would soon be joining us.

I walked up to the most inviting triple decker on the street. There it was, The People’s Academy Inc., tucked sweetly on a dead end street in the gentrified area of Dorchester. Excitedly, I rang the bell to Suite 3 and without hesitation the door opened instantly and behind it was T. Michael.
He greeted me with a smile and then a joke. I don’t think he knew this but, it wasn’t his light humor and his gentle words that invited me in; it was his energy that pulled me in. I knew before he spoke that this man was a leader, I knew that whatever hidden gem was in suite three. My eyes couldn’t wait to lay upon the wonders of the Copper Man!
Once we entered T.P.A (The People’s Academy) and I got comfortable. T. Michael offered me a courteous tour around. He showed me jewelry, art, sculptures, furniture, which were all made of copper. He taught me that when Copper rusts it oxidizes and it turns this pretty “patina green.” He showcased all his street art and somehow made me jealous of a skill I never even knew existed. After giving me a brief history on copper, he gave me a gift for this new found appreciation for Copper and more importantly hard work.
Shortly after my tour, Bentley arrives and the real party begins. Bentley, suggests to T.Michael that I get a full tour of T.P.A, from the outdoor classroom to the secret cave of wonders (also known as the lower level). We made our way down the never -ending staircase( which was only 3 floors but, the excitement made it feel more like 30 floors). Our first stop was the outdoor classroom. I was able to get a hands on and up close and personal view of the shed that was made by the students, the small green house, the tools, the work bench. I was able to view the classroom from the perspective of a student.
After the classroom visit, we snuck away to the hidden gems and secret like showroom (which is located in the lower level of the building). As we reach the back of the room he turns off the lights and tells me to look to my left and no sooner can the darkness fill the room; like magic the room danced with colors of reds, greens and blues from the miniature triple decker’s, windmills and bridges all made of copper! It took me back to the times my dad would take us to the Enchanted Village in the old Jordon Marsh building. Being in this space brought good feelings, I knew T.Michael was on to something big and I was getting just a taste of it.
He completely surprised me by humbly taking us back to the past; carefully pulling out old newspaper articles from the Black Chronicles Newspaper dated as far back as 1778. As I gazed in wonder at the words that were typewritten on the protected leafy paper. I had begun to think of all the editors, journalists, the writers who paved a way for people like me. The ones hungry for the truth and to share it in its best form. The last newspaper he pulled out caused tears to creep out my eyes. Right before my eyes, dated November 1, 1956 is a picture of Rosa Park being fingerprinted after her arrest for refusing to give up her seat for an able-bodied white man in the segregated town of Montgomery, Alabama.
I knew T.Michael was nothing short of a walking legend and being in the presence of someone that big made me feel like anything in life, in this life is possible. I didn’t think T. Michael and T.P.A could get any better until I sat down and was able to get my own sneak peek of the documentary, The Copper Man.
An 8 week summer program created by T.Micheal. T.P.A was founded 15 years ago when he noticed lack of color in the union and he decided to learn as much as he could, to teach young men and women a trade that will last a lifetime; a trade that can be passed on to future generations. I watched as his many supporters of T.P.A bragged about how beneficial this program is and will grow to be. They shared how big the program is, not just to and for the students but, to the community. Activists from Black Lives Matter of NY, Tito Jackson, The President of Mamleo, Boston City Council Michael F. Flaherty, residents of the community, and Mayor Marty Walsh and that’s just to name a small few. I listened as one of the students openly admit that he views, T. Michael as more than a teacher but, a father, one that was missing from his life. With watery eyes and opened ears, I listened as a young man confessed that this program has kept them off the street and saved his life. I listened as T.Michael spoke about each of his students without having to think of who they were but, firmly believing in knowing who they are.
As the documentary continues, it dives into bad news. T.P.A loses its funding and with his hands temporarily tied behind his back, T. Michael does the unthinkable and he closes the program! However, his students are relentless and they knew that more than anything they needed this program, and they continued to show up to be taught and they knew if grey skies and thunder storms couldn’t stop them from working; neither would closed doors.
As the film comes to a close, and the credits begin to make their way across the screen. I was at a complete loss for words, and the only word that I could get my mind and my heart to agree on was, “Phenomenal!” Bentley so humbly disregarding any major part behind such a brilliant, visually entertaining, representation on a movement. While T. Michael flashes this confident smile, as we continue to dive into a hard core brainstorming session.
This program was created for the sole purpose to educate men and women who were told second chances were not made for them. This program that was so meticulously thought out and planned. This program that is able to have life long, and positive effects for the individual students and the community. This program, had lost its funding and the one question T. Michael couldn’t answer was, “Why?”
The fact that this documentary is more than just a film but, an actual movement. It reminds us that there are leaders, men of color who still believe and refuses to give up on their community. Everyone who spoke of T. Michael (or who spoke on T.P.A,) it wasn’t what you seen, nor was it simply just what you heard; but, more of what you could feel that resonates so strongly. My experience that day has left a footprint in my life, one that will never fade away. I believe in programs and people like T.Michael and Bentley. Two men of color helping to pull the truth out before our eyes reminding us that there is something worth fighting for and it’s great! Now, every time I see a penny I pick it up because, I send all of my good luck to T. Michael and The People’s Academy Inc.,

If you’d like to see more photos please visit me on Instagram at, Made.In_Ndia.

My Name is NDIA

I know you’re probably wondering who I am, why should you care, or here’s a better one; what does me have to do with you? I’ll tell you why because, simply I am you. I may not be exactly like you, I may not have had the same struggles or may not even have gone through the same things but, I am almost certain that if you’re reading this (which I hope you are) you may find a piece of me that relates to you, or maybe not you but quite possibly someone you may know, which may not make us the same but it keeps us connected.

You see, if there is one thing I have ever been good at its keeping secrets. Especially, my own. Mainly because I was always afraid of the backlash. Never completely being 100% myself, therefore I never understood who I was or capable of being.

On March 9th, 2015, I would say my life had completely changed. Why? Because physically and mentally I had changed. It wasn’t until that day I had experienced a broken heart, broken nose, and a black eye! It was on that day I had decided that most secrets can be more harmful than good.

It didn’t take me long to realize that if a person is abused, and they decide to stay quiet about their abuse they will ALWAYS remain the victim. In my heart, I knew that if I remained silent, I would be protecting my abuser, while silencing my own pain and well, look at me now. Writing to you, my readers and I am doing what I thought I could never do, I’m sharing my secret.

About a month after leaving my abusive relationship. I had walked into a boxing gym and while I was standing in the door way, looking like a frightened mouse I was greeted by the owner who introduced me with her smile, she extended her hand and said, “Hi! My name is Mary.” I immediately took her hand into mine and shook it.

Mary, showed me around the gym giving me the history on her and the gym itself and in return asking a few light and basic questions. One questions that really stuck out to me was, “Why are you interested in boxing?” As bluntly as I could I responded, “I don’t want to be a victim anymore?” Call it a women’s intuition but I knew Mary understood what I meant however, I’m sure that wasn’t the answer she was expecting. What I didn’t tell Mary was I never wanted anyone to make me feel worthless again, I never wanted anyone to put their frustrations out on my face. I wanted to scream that I would never allow myself to be a victim again. But, instead I handed her my credit card and signed up for a gym membership.

I started boxing at 29, and not only was it my therapy it was also my life saver. I was driving home from work, after a rough day when I suddenly experienced a flashback. With my waking eyes I seen a fist coming at me. I flinched, immediately removing my hands from the steering wheel to cover my face, I started to bawl it felt like I would never get over it. I just knew that for the rest of my life I was damaged good. Then I felt the strongest urge to drive my car right off the highway, to put an end to all of the pain that I was feeling.

I strongly believed that if I ended it all that night that my two girls would be better off without me, that I wouldn’t have to suffer at the hands of anxiety anymore and that GOD would forgive me for giving up because it was only right. Just when my foot was began to floor the gas pedal, my eyes caught my boxing gloves sitting ever so pretty in pink on top of my gym bag on the passenger seat. It was at that moment that I floored it… to the gym. When I got there, I wrapped my hands up tight, I put my gloves on and I punched that bag with everything in me. “ One, two, one, two.” Breathe. “ Three. Four. Three. Four.” Breathe. “Five. Six. Five. Six” Breathe harder. I did not stop punching and each punch was a step towards my recovery.

My mother once told me, “India, you were made to encourage the broken.”

I remember holding the phone to my ear while crying and saying, “Mommy, but I am broken. “

Softly, she replied in her mother’s voice, “That’s why they will listen.”

So, to you I say this. I have discovered apart of myself I never knew existed and I found the best part of me at my lowest point. I discovered who I was, when I was made to feel unworthy. I believe that I had to go through that, to help those who feel that they can’t go on, for the people who believe their dreams weren’t meant to come true. Listen to me and please listen good, if there is one thing I believe in, it’s my readers!

I am here to encourage the ones who believe their less is their greater than. I am here to help you defeat those negative ideas that creep into your idle minds, I am the umbrella that covers your picnic when it rains. I am here for you! I may not know you, but try me. I am a firm believer that every problem comes with a solution and I will help you problem solve.

By encouraging you, I encourage myself too! We need each other! So welcome to the world of NDIA , where dreams do come true, where goals are slain , where peace is granted and you’ll forever have a believer of your dreams.- NDIA

We the People…

Four o’clock in the morning I was awoken by a voice that kept whispering to me, “History repeats itself because we keep choosing leaders instead of being leaders.” For the life of me I couldn’t silence it. It just kept repeating over and over, until I finally decided enough was enough and I quickly wrote it down.

For the last two months, I have been glued to the news. Reading every article, from every different angle. Trying to grasp my mind on not how, but why is this being done? Why has our country moved backwards instead of moving forward?  

Our politicians are smart, they play on people’s fears. Fear the Natives! Fear the Blacks! Fear the Hispanics! Fear the Muslims! They play on our emotions and we as people believe their white lies. So, they can go and make laws, make war, and take lives on behalf of our engineered fear.


WE the People, have nothing to be afraid of except our leaders that believe they are saving us. But can they save us from them? These bullies that hide behind their white walls, who know nothing of what it’s like being a real American because they only know Privilege. How can we allow those who don’t know how to be us, lead us? How do we appoint leaders who don’t know how to listen to the voices of the masses.

We the People, are tired of hate, we are tired of being fed these imaginary terrors that we all must fear. They want us afraid to live, and they need us to believe that without them we are lost. 

We can’t afford to live our lives in a bubble! We cant be passive and hide behind our computers screens, and our phones. We want to believe that this will all blow over and peace will restore itself, but how? When we live in a time where too many people are talking and not enough people are listening.

They teach us about a system that doesn’t work for most of us. They teach us about selected “heros” they chose to glorify. They try to teach us to forget our history but, they’re so quick to remind us of our past. 

 I have seen the rise of the people. I have seen the fire in their eyes. We are witnessing an Era that our grandkids will read about in their history books. 

We the people, need to stop looking for our leaders for the answers to our problems because, our leaders are the problem.  

We the people, need to stop hoping for change and be it.