Me on TV

Growing up, I never had many woman of color on tv to look up to. I didn’t know who I could become because, there weren’t many options or inspirations for me. Like most kids growing up in the inner-city, single parent home, TV was often my visual escape. It was my way of seeing the world outside of what I’ve seen and experienced every day. I never wanted to be anyone other than myself, however I always wanted to be lighter because, being chocolate was frowned upon. My dad did a great job at boosting up my self-esteem and reminding me of how beautiful I was. However, no one ever told me that my complexion was pretty and definitely not tv.

Sure, I grew up watching Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell and Dionne Heart from Clueless; the best was growing up and watching Moesha and Girlfriends, they were definitely my thing during my teenage years. However, who could I relate to? Not one of these woman of color we’re relatable. Not one of these woman that I admired on TV could I see myself in them. There was no one who looked like me on tv nor anyone I could relate to until…I watched Insecure.

Issa Rae was EVERYTHING I had ever wanted to see on tv. She was black, she was brilliant, she was weird, funny, she was me on TV! I remember being at the brink of tears after the first episode of season 1! I had never had that feeling of being able to relate to anyone who was myself. I had became a fan at the age of 31. Never had I ever had that luxury of watching TV and seeing myself look back at me! Her friends, I could relate to because, they were similar to my friends. The situations she ended up in were again, relatable and her tv life I wanted to experience for myself. She was beautiful! I was a fanatic! I was hooked and I realized how important representation is.

The best thing about change is my daughter’s do not have to live their lives without seeing themselves on TV. While my oldest is hooked on Zendaya, Letita Wright (Shuri from Black Panther) and Tiffany Haddish. My youngest loves Doc McStuffens and the newest rendition of Annie! My oldest wants to be an actress and loves Tech and making little movies and videos. While my youngest wants to be an animal doctor and loves learning about animals! They have something I didn’t; which is examples that they can see. They see themselves in so much more than I could have ever imagined!

I write this today because after witnessing Ayanna Presley, Liz Miranda, Rachel Rollins and Nika Elguardo win elections in Massachusetts. I now know that my girls will have an infinite supply of woman of color to look up to (outside of myself). These woman have opened up doors, and Windows for everyone! How very rewarding it is to know that children can have hero’s that they can look up to, that look like them! I don’t have sons but for my nephews they can see themselves in hero’s like President Barack Obama, Colin Kapernick, and Chadwick Boseman. How beautiful!

I know that great change can result in hard times but, what beautiful changes they are! To witness a ray of difference on the tv screen. To see so many different faces looking back at you and being able to chose which one relates to you more! I’ll never get over this feeling. I’ll never get over seeing a reflection of myself played out on tv.

In my 32 years of life, I have never felt so proud to be me. Felt so proud to be in the skin I’m in. Never been more proud to be a woman of black and brown descendants. I love that unity and equity are the changes that have begun to take place. I love the fact that there is more to come, more to love about what we see in each other, more to learn from each other. All this growth is beautiful, I look forward to our future!

The woman depicted in my collage was just to simply name a few.

3 thoughts on “Me on TV

  1. “Heart touching … ❤️ Thank you for sharing. Uplifting the women with Coverage & motivation like always ..


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