…right when I was comfortable

Last night, as I was attempting to fall asleep; I heard a noise. At first I didn’t think much of it until I heard it again. I knew that whatever it was, it was being created by the blowing of the fan. I knew that if I tried to ignore, it would be harder to sleep. I also knew that if I got up, it would still be harder for me to sleep. Meanwhile as I lay in bed looking into the darkness, a thought came into my mind. When a distraction comes into your life; at the most comfortable point in your life. Do you a. Remove it to the best of your ability. B. Ignore it. C. Let it play out and see what will happen?

Anytime anything takes you off your focused course, it’s a distraction. Anything that interrupts your flow, is a distraction. However, anything that is meant to awaken you, at the most “comfortable” point of your life is an opportunity. You love being comfortable, it makes your life easier, it brings stability keeps you safe or whatever, right? Hear me on this though, being comfortable never reveals the best in yourself. There’s no challenge in mediocre. Ugh! What an icky word, mediocre (it just sounds boring). To each their own, right? But, skies the limit kinda attitude should freak you out. How dare you allow yourself to reach for the sky when there are galaxies to explore.

A distraction? No, haven’t you realized that the greatest things happen when you least expect it? The love of your life you weren’t looking for, the job you weren’t planning on taking, the baby you never planned on having, the turn you didn’t mean to take (which led you to discover so many new sites you didn’t know were there). A good distraction is meant to knock you off your comfortability course and align you to greater self.

Were you taught that distractions are always bad? Which is why you don’t know how to prepare for the unexpected. You don’t plan for the downfalls that can occur in your life because, while you were living comfortable you forgot that you were living. This is just a friendly reminder that, life happens to ALL of us. So, when the unexpected happens you call them distractions and then you give Satan/devil too much credit for your misfortunes because you lost out on being comfortable.

In conclusion, it’s vitally important for us to remember that as long as we’re busy planning, distractions will come. Either to challenge us, change us, or teach us. We have to remember that at any given time our comforts will end and we have to be prepared for them. Now, I know you’re probably wondering what choice I made that night as I was laying comfortably in bed. Well, lets just say that I slept very well.

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