
If there is one thing I am most certainly great at is, giving up! That’s right, you read right. I do a great job at letting go! Honestly, the moment my heart tells me it’s not up for it and my happiness no longer dwells in it, it’s time to go. Now, I’m not sure if that makes me a quitter but, I am certain of this. That I, Ndia have been given one life to live on this Earth and I refuse to stay in any situation that makes me feel as if I am drowning in sorrow.

From jobs, to relationships and even at times hobby. If it doesn’t bring me joy, I begin to look for something greater, something with a challenge, something that adds another chapter to my life. Now, the majority of the conversations that I have with people usually revolve around the worst part of their lives. “I hate my job. My relationship is bad. No one loves me. I can’t. I won’t.” Etc. Normally, I give my opinion and we smile like everything is great and that’s the end of that.

However, I become tremendously fascinated when they’re unhappiness is being tied to the belief that they are then “stuck” in the situation. Stuck?! I always tilt my head like a confused puppy learning a command for the first time. Stuck?! What a disgusting word to use when what you really mean to say is, “I’m so unhappy because I am so comfortable living uncomfortable.” That’s right, I wrote it!

Anyone who believes their misfortunes or their unhappiness comes from being “stuck” is just making an excuse for not having the courage to make a change. I am a firm believer of being happy. With all the heavy news we hear on a daily basis; that burdens all of our senses and daily living. It’s easy to lay our heads down and give up on even attempting to feel, taste, or touch happiness (just writing the word happy, touches the greatest parts of my soul).

I listen to the Gladys Knight rendition of the song “I hope you dance” (Originally sung by Lee Ann Womack). The song is about a mother/parent hoping her child will still dance, will still dream and still live even after they grow up. As a mother myself, I remind my girls, “You better sing. You better dance. You better dream big.” Because never do I ever want to hope that they’ll chose happy, they just know they better chose it!

Now, please don’t misconstrue this message. Please don’t start pointing fingers and say, “Ndia told me…” No! What I’m asking that you do is find your rescue because, it will ultimately save your life. Sometimes, when we’re stuck we’re just lost and when your lost its the perfect time to find out what else is out there. We have to be brave enough to find the people we were before we “hoped” and just leap! If you give up on anything today, give up being miserable it doesn’t have to your forever, allow it to be your transition. You got this, I believe in my readers.

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